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- 10 z$=chr$(0)
- 20 gosub 10000
- 100 open15,8,15
- 110 print"[144]";
- 200 input"[215]hat file to sys change?";sf$
- 300 input"[215]hat file to call it ?";df$
- 400 open2,8,2,sf$+",p,r"
- 500 open3,8,3,df$+",p,w"
- 600 get#2,l$,h$:l$=l$+z$:h$=h$+z$
- 700 print"[207]ld sys address = ";asc(l$)+256*asc(h$)
- 800 input"[206]ew sys address =";ns$
- 850 print"[215]orking..... as hard as i can...";
- 900 ns=val(ns$)
- 910 h%=ns/256
- 920 l%=256*(ns/256-h%)
- 930 h$=chr$(h%):l$=chr$(l%)
- 940 print#3,l$;
- 950 print#3,h$;
- 960 get#2,a$
- 961 i=i+1:ifi=39theni=0:print".";
- 965 ifst<>0then1000
- 970 a$=left$(a$+z$,1)
- 980 print#3,a$;
- 990 goto960
- 1000 s=st:print: print"done with transfer."
- 1010 close2:close3:close15
- 1900 ifs<>64then30000
- 2000 goto60000
- 10000 print"[147]":poke53281,3:poke53280,12:print""
- 10010 print"[147]";:gosub 20000
- 10100 print" [211]ys [195]hanger":print
- 10110 gosub 20000
- 10120 print"";:gosub20000
- 10200 print" by [202]immy [215]eiler":print
- 10300 gosub 20000
- 10900 return
- 20000 print"";:forc=1to40:print" ";:next:print"[145][146]":return
- 30000 print: print"[147][193][193][210][199][200]!!!!":print:print"fault.. fault.. fault.."
- 30002 poke 53281,9
- 30010 print:print"[212]he file you wanted is not complete."
- 30020 print:print"[201] died with an error."
- 30025 print:print"[211]tatus = "st
- 30027 print:print:print" <press that key>":poke198,0:wait198,1
- 30030 goto60000
- 30040 :
- 60000 print"[147]1. [196]o another file"
- 60002 print"2. [210]eturn to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]."
- 60004 print:print:print"[215]hich?"
- 60010 poke198,0:wait198,1:k=peek(197):getk$
- 60020 ifk<>56andk<>59then60010
- 60030 ifk=56then10
- 60040 :
- 60050 rem connect back to loadstar
- 60060 print"[147]load"chr$(34)"payload"chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 60070 poke198,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end